Mariani Kino
Paper Planes: The Art of Making and Shaking Craft Cocktails
The art of making craft cocktails is rooted at the beginning of the United States in the
mid-1800s. Cocktails were initially made to cure hangovers through the combination of alcohol,
bitters, and sugar. This simple hangover remedy has evolved into a sophisticated drink that
focuses on flavor, presentation, and craftsmanship.
Craft cocktails lost their popularity during the war and prohibition. Along with the changing tastes
in the 20th century, it almost spelled the end of craft cocktails. The art of crafting cocktails was
rediscovered, and this marked the birth of a new generation of techniques and flavors.
Crafting a cocktail undergoes a meticulous process of choosing flavors that will form a great
pair, the glassware to use, and the correct way of stirring and shaking. Here are what
bartenders do in creating great craft cocktails:
1. Pouring
There are two ways of pouring that bartenders do to pull out a Mastercraft cocktail, free
and jigger pouring. Free pouring is a faster way to make drinks because you can use
both of your hands while using a jigger gives you more accuracy. Small inaccuracies in
the number of drinks can create an imbalance in the flavor profile. So, accurately
measuring liquor and other ingredients is essential in making quality craft cocktails.
2. Muddling
Mudling is a bartending technique used to extract juices and flavors from citrus wedges,
softer fruits, and spices. This is a simple technique, yet enhances the taste of your
favorite cocktails. With the use of a muddler, you can modernize the cocktail by adding
more flavors to it.
3. Shaking
Shaking is one of the fastest ways to mix ingredients, whilst cooling and diluting the
mixture simultaneously. Shaking does not really affect the flavor of your cocktail, yet
adds more excitement to your presentation. Shaking the ingredients for around 10-15
seconds and following the right drink-mixing procedures, will give you a successful craft
The correct drink mixing procedure is like this:
1. Pour the ingredients into the cocktail shaker
2. Fill the shaker to the brim with ice
3. Seal the shaker either with the lid or tin (if using a Boston shaker)
4. Shake HARD for 10 – 15 seconds
5. Remove the tin by gently tapping the top of the shaker with the palm of your hand
6. Strain your cocktail into a frosted glass
4. Stirring
Stirring is another common technique in bartending. It requires a gentle pace and is not as
diluted as shaken cocktails. In a stirring method, bartenders avoid adding fruit juices, dairy, or
eggs. When there is nothing except alcohol, you avoid to over dilute or over chill the drink so
you can let the flavors shine.
5. Garnishing
Who does not want an appealing drink? Garnishing is the final step that lets you add something
extra to activate the senses of taste and smell. There are several garnishing styles and the most
common ones are dropping, and twisting. Rimming, floating, and flaming orange.
As the art of crafting cocktails continues to evolve, many different ways are being discovered
that pave the way to the new cocktails served in your local bars and even in the comfort of your
own home. It is about expression and the combination of your favorite flavors that make it more